This Filopto update version 10.0.22224.3200 includes 4 new features, 5 improvements and 23 bug fixes. Update now to benefit from the latest changes.
You must be running Filopto 10 to use this update. If you have not yet migrated to Filopto 10, gives us a call (1-888-321-0441 option 1) and we will schedule and help you migrate to Filopto 10.
4 New Features
- 5860 New Form: Patient Welcome form/letter for info verification
- 5862 New Check Server Disk Storage function located in Help option menu
- 5867 Invoice Manager: Add a tab to display a list of invoices with a possible missing lab order
- 5868 New Report: Invoices with Possible Missing Lab Orders
5 Improvements
- 5624 LOINC version 2.73 August 2022
- 5638 Task Manager: Ability to print a single task from the Task Information screen
- 5858 Rx-Terms August 2022 Update
- 5859 (Canadian Edition) Alberta Health: April 2022 Schedule of Medical Benefits
- 5861 Update version of Remote Help v5.3.9
23 Bug Fixes
- 5626 EAccessViolation: Access violation at address 05B87A3E in module ‘cxLibraryRS23.bpl’. Read of address 000000E4.
- 5627 EInvalidOperation: Cannot focus a disabled or invisible window.
- 5628 EAccessViolation: Access violation at address 5099114F in module ‘vcl230.bpl’. Read of address 00000058.
- 5637 EAccessViolation: Access violation at address 6256984D in module ‘EMRPluginLibrary.dll’. Read of address 00000000.
- 5640 Exception: Field EMPLOYEE_ID not found.
- 5641 EDatabaseError: Field ‘EMR_POST_SEG_IMAGE_CATEGORY_IDX’ must have a value.
- 5647 EDatabaseError: IBODillDrops: Cannot perform this operation on a closed dataset.
- 5654 EAccessViolation: Access violation at address 0CA84C4F in module ‘cxGridRS23.bpl’. Read of address E04D8F9F.
- 5673 EVariantInvalidOpError: Invalid variant operation.
- 5678 Exception: Cannot load client library: D:\Program Files\Firebird\Firebird_2_5\WOW64\fbclient.dll.
- 5679 EAccessViolation: Access violation at address 0E2B6CC5 in module ‘frx23.bpl’. Read of address 0000004D.
- 5682 EReadError: Stream read error.
- 5683 EDatabaseError: IBOFormLabels: Field ‘PATIENTNO’ not found.
- 5701 EDatabaseError: IBOPaymentMethods: Cannot perform this operation on a closed dataset.
- 5702 EAccessViolation: Access violation at address 00CC4377 in module ‘FiloptoCore.exe’. Read of address 00000000.
- 5712 EDatabaseError: Field ‘Category’ not found.
- 5714 When the internet connection goes down, Filopto isn’t starting
- 5721 EDatabaseError: vrtltblOpenedPluginsList: Cannot perform this operation on a closed dataset.
- 5808 EAccessViolation: Access violation at address 5005FB7D in module ‘rtl230.bpl’. Read of address 00C00800.
- 5813 EAccessViolation: Access violation at address 5099114F in module ‘vcl230.bpl’. Read of address 00000058.
- 5819 EDatabaseError: Update failed. Found 0 records.
- 5825 EAbstractError: Abstract Error.
- 5844 (Canadian Edition) Nova Scotia MSI: Under certain circumstances some adjustments were not calculated properly, due to rounding errors.
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