The Alerts and Warnings feature will help notify your users of important items.  From EMR Alerts, to Patient or Vendor information and more.  The user can create and administer how Filopto will Alert or Warn a user about key information.

For example, users can create an EMR warning, letting the Provider know about key information related to the patient.  Filopto can also warn users about financial issues with a patient  or a vendor issue and how to deal with it.


Filopto Alerts and Warnings for Patients
Alert and Warning Button for Patients management

The Alerts and Warnings optional feature can be configured by the user simply by going to the Patient file and 1) entering the text of the Alert or Warning; 2) then setting the time period for which it applies and 3) finally identifying when the Alert and Warning should be displayed.  Filopto will do the rest and display the Alert or Warning based on the business rules set by the user.

This easy-to-use system will eliminate all the sticky notes on your PC screen and ensure everyone will see the right information at the right time.